Service Centre

Bespoke Conversions working together with Al's Trailer Workshop

‘A well maintained trailer is a safe trailer’
Trailers need servicing in a similar way to a car. At the moment an MOT for a trailer is not required, as a result of this we can sometimes find that some trailers are left in poor repair.
Your trailer is required to have a service every six months or every 6000 miles.
Whatever type of trailer or brand of trailer you have, we have a team of experienced service technicians who can carry out trailer inspections and servicing.
Our services offer complete servicing leaving you with peace of mind to know that you are towing a trailer that is safe on our roads.
Your trailer will have the following 10 checks whilst in our care:
• Check jockey wheel and breakaway cable
• Check brake linkage settings and lubricate
• Check brake shoe ware and remove dust
• Check and re-grease wheel bearings
• Check and replace Superhub seals (if fitted)
• Check the coupling head for wear and tear and inspect the coupling bolts, drawtube, handbrake and bellows
• Check and re-grease the coupling head shaft
• Check wheel nut torque, tyre condition and pressures
• Check lights and electrics
• Overall health check of chassis, bodywork and fittings
Single Axle Un Braked Trailer (up to 750kg) £60 + VAT
Single Axle Braked Trailer £80 + VAT
Twin Axle Braked Trailer £120 + VAT
Tri Axle Braked Trailer £150 +VAT
All other works and repairs £36 + VAT per hour
We will never replace parts of your trailer without having a conversation with you first, if you are happy with any parts being replaced, we will advise of why this is necessary and the costs involved. Get in touch here to book a service or for more information.
Our service centre can also supply and fit your new trailer tyres whilst you wait.
Please visit www.alstrailerworkshop.co.uk for more information