Specialist Conversions
Do you require something a little different?
A phone call that sometimes start with...I don’t think this is possible in a trailer but....is one that we love hearing!
Our experience to use your ideas and vision to create something special and unique is what we are here for.
Please see below a few of our case studies to show you what can be made possible:
Mobile Fitness Gym
This is the UK’s first mobile functional training facility. This unit gives the client a new way to train, in any location. Fitted with a squat rack, dip bars, chin up bars, punchbag station and more this mobile unit allows your business to grow and reach out to your clients.

Mobile PM Room
This particular unit was designed for the Scottish Marine Animal Stranding Scheme (SMASS). Fully equipped to work off grid fitted out with air conditioning units, storage, using medical grade stainless steel this unit really is a moving laboratory.